Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Research papers on the Child Care Effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Research papers on the Child Care Effects - Essay Example Research interest in the frequency and quality of child care is due to the ongoing affects of early childhood experiences (Ochitree, 1994). Many theorists argue that long periods of separation from the caregiver, in combination with poor quality child care, can negatively affect a child’s development (The NICHO, 2005, p.259). Other theorists contend that child care can affect a child’s development in many positive ways (The NICHO, 2005, p.269). This paper will review the literature with the research hypothesis that: Child care can affect a child’s development both positively and negatively. Firstly, negative arguments shall be presented. Secondly, positive arguments will be provided. Next child care quality and its affects will be highlighted. Finally, a conclusion shall synthesize the main arguments, and state how the research hypothesis has been supported. Young children who regularly attend child care may be more at risk of social maladjustment later in their lives (Lewin, 2005, p.1). It has been found that long hours in care affect a child’s ability to work and interact socially. Studies show a negative association between the amount of time a child spends in daycare, and their tendency to act-out and to develop poor interpersonal relationships. This may be due to experiences of stress, and the development of anti-social behaviors, such as non-compliancy and violence (The negative effects of childcare? 2003, p.1). One study observed that 4 1/2-year-olds who spent up to 30 hours a week in child care appeared to be more insistent, violent and disobedient as compared to their cohort not in care (Lewin, 2005, p.1). Another study found children tended to also be disrespectful in both their use of language and their behavior, and seemed to make more noise in general than their peers who did not attend care (Allhusen & Clarke-Stewar t, 2005, p.90). There is literature to support child care as

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